Proof-of-Concept Donation Service Using Solana Blinks
Stack: Node
The user registers their Wallet and Email to receive emails from the project. The Web3 project sends emails to users via an API.
Stack: Rust, Postgres, Next.js, Web3.js, Wagmi, Mailgun
I created a link collection app on Blast L2 to participate in the Blast competition. All data is stored on the chain. Blast was terrible, so I moved to Arbitrum.
Stack: Solidity, Next.js, ethers.js, Chakra UI
A service that deploys custom smart contracts to mint NFTs.
Stack: Golang, Postgres, React, Wagmi, Chakra UI
An NFT project themed around eyes.
Stack: Node, Fastify, Postgres, Solidity, Web3.js
A full on-chain NFT project that converts Cryptopunks data into SVG.
Stack: Solidity, Web3.js
Full on-chain avatar NFT project.
Stack: Solidity, Web3.js
Something I created because a colleague asked to attach an LGTM image to a pull request.
Stack: Ruby, Rails, Postgres, S3, IPFS, OpenAI API, OAuth2, Web3.js, Passkey
When I was into Rails, I saw the to-do list application made by 37signals and thought I would try making one myself.
Stack: Ruby, Rails, Postgres, jQuery